
I am struggling to find a reason not to leave Christchurch, my home of 39 years. It has been a hard city to live in since the earthquakes. I am tired of constant bad roads, no roading improvements to control the volumes with all the new residential subdivisions. No extra local shopping for these either.. Poor bus services since Ecan took them over, unusable for me now as nothing takes me where I want to go. constant rates increases. Higher insurances because of the earthquakes. Why are building costs 30% higher in ChCh than the rest of the country. Why is it that the only places I can shop without having to pay for parking are the malls? Why is there absolutely no free parking in the central city, the parking buildings and the Wilson's shingle pits are overpriced. Why does the city still lack soul. The new buildings are great but do we need some serious work being done from Manchester back to Fitzgerald Avenue.