Confirming some Civ 7 mechanics

Hi there. First, I’ve not following all the news, come here to confirm what I’ve read thanks to this sub regarding Civ 7

not critical, just want to double check I’ve got this right

  • similar to Humankind you choose a civ (or should I say culture, since I’ve checked the list and we have Normans or Misissippi dwellers) per era.

  • when you hit the era no. 2, no. 3 , you will able to choose your new civ , considering a requirement (like a graph) instead of any civ from the new era

  • the game ends earlier than in previous civ, since the third era is a -aprox- the Victorian age , ending around the world wars

  • what’s stable for the whole game trough are the leaders, the leader is kept across the 3 eras

  • example: you can play with Isabella of Castile with the Romans -> Spain -> Mexico playing against (example) Emperor Augusto of Egypt -> Mongols -> Meiji Japan
  • some leaders (not all of them) let you choose a “variant” (persona?) which changes subtle one of their bonuses and the AI

Did I get everything right? Thanks in advance

Personal opinion: I’d prefer the leader to be part of the civ , so I change my culture AND my leader in each era 🤷‍♂️