Mayoral candidate Tanya Heath wants to “create a local identification card for homeless individuals from Columbia”

So Tanya Heath updated her Mayoral website and while I know she very likely will not win, this seems to be a concerning proposal on multiple fronts.

“Non-profits receiving city money must provide detailed financial reports and avoid duplicating services. Additionally, we need awareness campaigns about the potential harm of directly donating to the homeless. We need to enforce trespassing laws and create a local identification card for homeless individuals from Columbia.

These would seek to either keep more funds from going to homeless people or services helping them, and the IDs and creating a registry or database off of that seems like it would be very odd to do and targeting a certain group for unfair treatment. I can only imagine a CPD officer or someone else flipping out over a homeless person not immediately handing over their ID when they yell “papers please!!” at them and creating an unsafe situation for many people. I’m not sure this is how we help get people into housing and off the streets.