My CS2 account is in PURGATORY. ridiculously long queue times.

OCE player.

I can queue at any time of day with a 122 ping limit and it will be over 30 minutes before I see a game pop. I've seen it get up to 1 and a half hours before and it still has not popped. Most games that I do get are filled with suspicious players, new players and people who are either toxic or don't talk at all making for a pretty terrible experience.

This issue has persisted for over a month with many attempts to correct it but the conclusion that I've been able to come up with is that my trust factor is in the dirt and there is no real way to fix it. I feel like I get into games with cheaters that report me, new players that report me, people who report me for asking them to use their microphones, all taking away Trust from my account. (could be wrong)

Queuing with friend does net games being found faster (5-10 minutes) but at the cost of again, suspicious accounts. I should add that that message that says something like 'someone in this lobby has significantly lower trust than others in the party' does NOT pop up.

I've tried sending an email to the valve team that deal with Trust Factor issues, but nothing has come back.

I own two accounts. The ALT account is not used for smurfing, it's similar if not the same rank to my main.


Any help would be appreciated.

This was at 1:40pm.