[Rant] Why do people leave LFMs for full groups (especially Raids) up???

It makes no sense and it's super rude. Yet I see it multiple times a day, especially on weekends!

If your group is full, it automatically takes your LFM down, so you had to consciously take time to put it back up just for people to see it over and over again when they check if anyone is running something!

This one group kept theirs up as they ran different raids for like 2 hours, and every time I checked the LFMs I got excited and then annoyed realizing it was the same full group. I finally sent the leader a /tell politely suggesting they not leave the LFM up if their group is full, and they took it down, but then I saw them doing the exact same thing the next week!

Another one I tried to join this past weekend and when I gently suggested they not put up an LFM with a full group, they were like. 'Well we're doing another raid after and we might need another person or two then" Okay??? Then put up an LFM when you're ready for the next raid! You doing something in 20 mins doesn't help the people PUGging now. You can't even say it's to advertise that you WILL need someone when it's gonna be a while and you're not sure how many slots you'll have, so it's not even like you're pre-emptively advertising. You're just making people like me stop paying attention to your LFM even if you DID need people, because all we kept seeing was a full, in-progress raid!

(This also goes for people whos raids aren't full, but they're only for their Guildies. Don't put an LFM up if you're not looking for more! At the very LEAST put a note that it's for you to gather guildies. And don't be rude when random people try to join your raid! How are we supposed to know it's you're super-special invitation-only Guild Raid if you put it up in the general LFM!)

Like. What is wrong with you people!

Just. Grrr. LFMs are so people can find groups to join. If you don't want or need people to join your group, don't put the LFM up! It's rude.

(Edit: To be clear, not talking about groups that fill with some Hirelings and put a note to "send tell to drop hire" or whatever. I'm talking about groups that are full of human players and no note about any swapping or restrictions.)