Suggestions for new S7 builds to play on controller?
Hey D4 fans.
I can't play til Thursday but I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on which of the newer builds would be good on controller?
D4 is a kick back hack and slash and chill game for me. I know playing on mouse and keyboard would be far more optimized but that's just not how I like to play D4. Also several fully optimized builds (looking at you rogue) require so much prep and paying attention to timers, passive stacks, procing one thing to proc another before procing a 3rd... it's just too much sweat for what I want out of D4.
Earthquake barb is SO sick looking, but I'm afraid leaping around with controller won't be remotely accurate compared to KBM.
Bloodwave necro I don't think would work well either.
Maybe one of the druid builds? I've always seen rogues as too sweaty and mechanical for controller chilling. Sorc is my favorite class but I've made a few already. Just made SB last season so want something different.
For context these are builds I've already played over the seasons and don't want to repeat:
WW barb, lightning ball sorc, arc lash sorc, quill spirit born
The common thread is they are all VERY simple with really 1-3 main abilities and the rest being offensive/defensive buffs and don't require a ton of thought, mechanics, or paying attention to passive stacks/procs to still absolutely shred stuff.
Thank you!