Help with a surgery decision
Hello everyone thank you for helping Thats my ct scan on nose My ENT wants to do a turbinate reduction and probably a Septoplasty I dont see that i really need the septoplasty but i need the turbinate reduction and the clearing of my sinusitis. I had tried everything to fix my nose pain and not breathing well tried steriods ses salt sprays all the nasal sprays and even nasal strips and otrivin Nothing worked for me my quality of life is so bad right not cant walk or work out because of my breathing problem also i have been so anxious and depressed because i was a sportive guy and its been 4 years staying home avoiding living cuz of the pain and the shortness of breathe I have went to every doctor nothing was wrong with me expect my nose. If any one had experience like this please help Also help me if i should so the surgery or not i am too much worried about the ENS i cant handle my life getting worth Thank you for reading.