Onyx Storm: Amazon cancelled preorder

I’m beyond furious! I just went on Amazon to check on Onyx Storm and couldn’t find it in my order history, so I contacted the support just to find out that the order has been cancelled by them without notifying me and that edition is no longer available. And they tell me to wait for it to be in the warehouse! Are you kidding me?

Obviously now the edge painted version isn’t available anywhere (I was even trying to buy outside EU even though I should have paid more). And looks like in Italy the only one who sells the Hardbook Cover is Amazon. So I just renounced having the book now, preordered the ebook somewhere else and never preorder anything on Amazon again! I’ll have the plain hardcover somewhere in time, just not from them.

Sorry, I just wanted to rant about it with someone who understands how furious and disappointed I am.