I want to quit, need encouragement

I've been a troop leader for 7 years. Troop cookie parent for 4 years and service unit cookie manager for 2. Out of these 3 jobs, the service unit job is the easiest. Hands down.

I loved leading a troop! It has been so rewarding! Until a few years ago when my co leader suddenly quit in the middle of the year leaving me with 2 weeks to find a new co leader. That's when the trouble really started. My new co leader has been fabulous! She's amazing and we work well together. But the ex co-leader, she's like the leader that never fully quits. She says she quit. She told troop parents she stepped down. Yet she still attends meetings (she's registered so she is allowed). She sits quietly and watches everything said and done. After everyone is left, she gives us a run down on everything we did "wrong". Wrong as is not "her way". She sends emails to our troop parents without speaking to us first. These emails I've always let go as they usually are an invitation for our girls to join her younger troop on an outing. But this last correspondence I feel is driving me to just give up 100%. I sent a reminder email to our troop parents that we still have extra cookies our troop needs to sell or donate. Instead of coming to me or my co leader first, she responded to everyone saying that council allows us to return them and we should go that route. This woman has NEVER been involved with overseeing cookie sales for ANY troop. I double check with council to make sure this is absolutely not true (I was right). I responded to her privately letting her know that was incorrect and that I wished she came to me privately first before sending incorrect information to parents. She clapped back accusing me of hiding/withholding information from parents. Not once have I nor my currently co leader ever withheld or hid info from parents.

I just can't with this lady. She's like the leader that quits, but never fully quits. Some parents even gave her a Xmas gift (gave us 2 leaders as well) thinking she was a leader. I'm constantly having to correct wrong information she gives to troop parents without coming to us leaders 1st. I'm exhausted from hearing every month what I've done wrong at a meeting and how unhappy she is with the decisions we've made to guide our troop. (She's really against us having our troop girl-led)

I need encouragement to keep going. It's wrong to quit because of just 1 person. But I just don't know how much more I can take of this!