Goodbye my good friend

This was Maxie, she crossed the rainbow bridge today at the age of 13, in 2 months she would have been 14 (maybe she was 14 already, we calculated her age based on the date of her adoption back in april 2013). I feel bad that i could not see her, i feel like we abandoned her. We were in talks of moving to another country and suddenly the plan was on but the papers for Maxie required a month and we did not have time. We gave her to a family friend and she was treated like a goddess. But i still feel bad, i fear that she forgot me or that she was recentful because we left. I could see in pictures that she was happy. The worst part is that everything went wrong and me and my brother came back to my country and since we have nothing, we could not visit her and today we got the news that she had cancer. Before moving, we noticed some lumps in her belly and we removed them surgically and they seemed to be benign and caused by age. She was ok and happy after that. We received the news today that she was not eating and did not want to do anything, including going to the bathroom so they took her to the vet, the vet seems to be a really good vet over where she went and the vet was even surprised to see a golden be 13 years old she did say that the best option was to put her to sleep, since more surgeries was going to be way to harsh. I feel extra bad because we left one by one and she had already experienced loosing my dad many years ago and she kept on waiting and got excited evry time we came back and went to look in the car for him. Well, anyways, sorry for venting here but i needed to let it out. You will be deeply missed Maxie.