Ethan’s description of Denims was so accurate
I don’t know why I subjected myself to this… I guess I like hearing all sides of the story, so I just finished wasting 40 minutes of my life listening to the dumbest of b*****es herself talk about the lawsuit
She spends the entire time gaslighting her audience into this narrative that “Ethan is just reacting to haters” and further reinforces that point by saying that she has haters too and she just ignore them. According to her, Ethan is fucking himself over by picking fights with entire subreddits and other content creators. Then she talks about how Ethan is “trying to control the narrative” and how it’s “backfiring” even though she spends the entire video trying to control the narrative and try to make it something it’s not
Ethan couldn’t be any clearer about the fact that this fight is against anti semitism and narrative controlling of moderators, pushing out defamatory statements about Ethan and Hila
A valid criticism or piece of gossip is something like “E***** K**** really tried to make the Diddly done did it jokes happen and it was really cringe”. What isn’t a valid criticism is saying that Hila killed babies in the IDF, or saying that Ethan repeatedly called a black girl the n word in a video and talked about “orally raping her” (denims says this in the video and goes on about how disgusting it is and how her viewers shouldn’t watch it and she not going to show it… something tells me there’s a different reason for that).
I even went and watched a “Ethan Klein n word compilation” and as much as it was gross that it was said, it was never used as a way to insult someone’s skin colour. Every time he used it, he was either quoting someone, or didn’t use the hard r (trying to be an edgy cool guy, which was at the time socially acceptable)
My favourite part of the video is where she says that she is “anti Reddit and anti instagram” and that she “only uses twitter” which I think says a whole lot about her.