Neighbourhood flagged in Hfx Recycles - anyone else ever get this message?
First time I've seen it, went to check the garbage schedule and it had a long note when I went to the schedule: "Recently, your neighbourhood was flagged for having food waste in the garbage showing up in Otter Lake Landfill. Reminder: Food Isn't Garbage. All food waste and food napkins belong in the green cart..." etc. Fascinating, has anyone else ever had this note? I'm curious how big the neighbourhood they refer to is? I assume they could tell from the general postal code area the garbage truck came from before going back to the landfill, but some postal codes cover huge areas. Anyway, it was a nice reminder, I didn't feel personally attacked or anything, just never saw it before and wondered if it was new, or what... [I searched reddit through Google first and never saw this come up before, apologies if it has and I missed it].