Learning Neapolitan
While I know that Neapolitan is a language that can be learned by non-natives, should non-natives stay away from trying to learn this?
I guess I’m wondering what the reception would be from natives if an American who was not raised in Campania tried learning Neapolitan. Let’s even say this American moved to Naples, immersed themselves in the culture and became fluent, would this be acceptable or just plain offensive or annoying?
I’ve always been interested in this language since I started learning Italian, and love the city of Naples and its surrounding area. I’m a big fan of the music that comes out of Naples as well. But obviously my intentions are not to be a symbol of offense just because I think something is cool or interesting.
If this is a big “no-no” please tell me. But if this would be welcomed at all I would very much like to try to learn this language and practice it if I can find the right opportunity.
Thank you!
Edit: I asked this in another post, but wanted to throw this here for a wider audience.