Loki's clones should not recharge Bucky's ult or Mantis's orbs

I don't think Loki's clones should be able to give Bucky a recharge on his ult or even give Mantis more orbs when she hits headshots. He is the God of Mischief, not the God of Feeding the Enemy. Killing his clones doesn't add to stats as far as I know or count as kills, so why does it count for those situations? If a Bucky decides to AGAIN me, I should be able to be the God of Mischief and trick him into ulting my clone and try to find the real one. I have no issue with them being able to bounce around Moonknight's powers since that makes sense, but the Bucky and Mantis stuff is a bit too far and really hurts him.

And if they are going to count for them, I think he needs a way to be able to recall his clones. He would have lower healing/damage, but also wouldn't feed ults. Maybe even make it so there is only a 12 second cooldown per clone when destroyed and maybe a 2-3 second cooldown if recalled so he can't just spam clones.