migraine rant

i’m 17 and i’ve had a migraine very day since i was 5 years old. i would give anything to have one day where im not in pain.

i graduate this year, and i feel like ive missed out on a lot because of my migraines. i’m miserable. they made my depression and anxiety severely worse, and im in constant pain. on the days where i don’t have a migraine, i have a cluster headache. (and let me tell you, if you don’t get cluster headaches, they are TERRIBLE). with my migraines i lose my vision and i get both visual and auditory hallucinations, and my neck, back, and jaw, are in exhausting pain. i haven’t been able to open my mouth fully in years.

i’ve been on every medication possible, i’ve gone to chiropractors and migraine specialists, ive gotten MRI’s and CT scans, i even started getting botox when i was 15. professionals have never been able to help me, or even find anything remotely wrong.

i feel like im missing out on my teenage years. the only time i feel euphoric or in no pain is when im drinking, and the aftermath of that never helps.

sorry for this rant, im just so tired of this.