Looking for a cheap ortholinear board
I recently bought an Aula F75 after getting into the keyboard hobby. I keep seeing ortholinear boards online and I think they look neat and that they might be a lot less awkward to type on than a regular staggered board. I am ok with not having a case for it for the time being as I am a college student with not much money I am willing to spend on this and I already have switches and keycaps, I just want a cheap PCB and plate. I have also thought about handwiring, in which case I would only need a controller and a plate (and a lot of patience) if I remember correctly from what I saw on YouTube. I live in Eastern Europe so relatively cheap shipping to this area (like AliExpress for example) would be ideal. I would also heavily prefer for it to be a 75% layout board unless it is easy to use shortcuts like alt+tab and alt+f4 on a smaller layout