So is Ontario broke or swimming in cash

Why is it that every other party coming out with priced plans is attacked as too costly and a waste of tax payer money but dofo is treated as some visionary for promising to blow more cash without saying a dollar amount?

He says he'll blow 10s of billions on a vanity tunnel that won't solve traffic and cause at least 20 years of massive disruption while we are still behind on the Ellington crosstown. Blowing 3B in rebate cheque bribes during an election he called 1.5 years early to beat his greenbelt scandal coming out. Spending million fighting against the rights of those he stepped on to stagnate their pay (7B). Blowing cash for a private spa, blowing cash to build a new science centre (1.4B) instead of fixing the science center and schools. Dofo shows he has boat loads of money and is ready to blow on his advertisement (highest amount spent in ontario ever), bribes and personal projects while hospitals fail and he blows 2-4x as much on private nurses and private surgeries.

He has the biggest and most expensive government in the history of ontario.

Oh and will dump raw sewage in area with no water flow every time it rains too hard because therme didn't want turds floating by their private beach.

There's always mountains of cash for dofo to smoke, but if a party pledges that for healthcare all of a sudden we're too broke.

Rhetorical question: we all know why. Dofo is never held to any standard, never expected to have a platform, spends and spends but is depicted as "fiscally conservative". He's always been a money pit, always trying to make his buddies money at the cost of taxpayers. Voters will let him dance to another majority because most won't go out to vote in the winter, most don't pay attention, most don't freaking care until they finally are impacted after brushing off everyone else who got hit with dofo's cuts and decisions.

Every needs to stop being complacent, so you don't want to vote for anyone, then go to the polling and tell them you reject your ballet. That counts and is tracked in the voting. If you want to punish this government as they deserve, vote strategically or officially reject your ballet. Don't let him get another unchecked majority. A minority will help hold him and his bloated government to some standard at least.

Some sources. There's more but seriously no one should rely on ignorance to vote or stay home. Dofo is counting on laziness and inconvenience and ignorance for this short February election call halfway into his majority government.


And the shoppers drug mart grift of 75$ a 5 minute drug call when family care gets barely 38$ an in-person visit and dofo ended phone call visits with family doctors. More spending directly to bad giant corporate private care at the cost of essential family practices.