Can anyone confirm my job description is reasonable?

I am so happy to have received a part-time job offer at a great fit place for me. I was wondering before I sign if there was anyone who might be able to look over my job description and hourly expectations. It seems like sort of an organist job that also covers some general music director positions.

--Selecting music, collaborating with necessary people --Practicing for Sunday -- One to two rehearsals, before and/or after Sunday service --One Sunday service --Occasional extra service, for example Good Friday --Overseeing maintenance and budget administration of maintenance/repair etc of the two pipe organs and pianos --weekly staff meetings are optional but encouraged to attend at least occasionally --Occasional extra weeknight rehearsal --Coordinating with choir and arranging for special vocal groups --Coordinating with occasional guest instrumentalists

12-15 hours a week. I think the 15 is they figured is for prepping for weeks with the extra service? Not sure. Funerals etc are not included and are an extra payment.

It seems doable for me, but I am newer to all this and wanted to hear your thoughts?

Thank you!! Will update with good news if it all works out :)