Kylee Tingstrom
My first time seeing kylee was when her like mirror video transition/daces went viral and I was like hell ya girl being confident. Then I kind of followed along minorly with her other videos mom/parenting etc when she came up on my FYP. Then of course the whole cheating and breaking up and baby trying and back together and breaking up sent me on a deep dive of her videos. Truly this girl has a miserable attitude towards anyone who disagrees with her and the whole baby thing like why!!! I understand wanting another baby, and trying to stay together but at the end of the day she kept trying and trying for this baby knowing all these things this guy was doing…I just don’t know she irks me in a way I truly can’t explain
EDIT!!!! I want to clarify that I wish the best for her health and safety of her and baby but as a person I cannot get behind her