Turned away from donating plasma because I didn't meet the weight requirements. The intake person at BioLife said I needed to "eat more"

Like lady, why do you think I'm here? I'm not spending a rainy Thursday morning sitting here, doing the entire intake process and when you weigh me, you tell me I don't qualify because I weigh 107 pounds and the minimum weight requirement is 110 pounds, just for the fun of it. Why would you tell me I need to "eat more", when I came here to hopefully earn some money to be able to actually buy groceries.

I work in retail, and door dash on the side but even juggling those two gigs, it's not enough. I get $165 a month in state garnished child support because my ex works retail as well and that's all the state will take from him. I make "too much" for SNAP, but my child has outgrown WICC (cut off age is 5). I use food pantries when my work schedule allows it, I'm on budget billing with my electric company. I shower with my kid to save water and keep our water bill down. I shop at Aldi when I have to buy groceries. The heat is never above 66 in our apartment and for the whole winter we were wearing multiple layers. My kid has a coat from GoodWill and I have holes in my socks because I'd rather spend that $5 on her coat than get myself a new pair of socks. I don't eat out, I don't get my nails done or buy frivolous things. I use a neighbor's wifi and the only streaming service I have is Disney+ because my kid loves Bluey.

I know the weight requirement is there for a reason and it's for safety. I thought wearing clothes and eating an actual breakfast of toast and peanut butter (I usually skip breakfast and only eat one meal a day) would make a difference in my weight. I can't magically put on 3 pounds in a day but the intake lady at BioLife said the next time I try to donate plasma and I'm turned away for my weight, I won't be able to come back for another 12 months.

I was venting to a friend about this whole experience because it just bummed me out. This is a friend I've loaned money to, bought cat food for when she had to wait for a paycheck, have literally put myself in a bind for this friend that I've known for close to a decade, just bitching to bitch and her response was that I just needed to find a better job and the lady at BioLife was just doing her job...like I'm not doing my damndest but look at the job market. She also "jokingly" suggested I try being a sex worker and I just had to roll my eyes. I have a young child in a one bedroom apartment, there's no friggin way I can do that.

I'm just venting and frustrated. I know donating plasma is a great way to earn extra money and I was just hoping this would pan out for me