Using secondary aspirations to make ‘New Aspirations’
The title, for those that are confused, is essentially my way off inorganically adding new Aspirations by taking aspects of both the Primary and Secondary Aspirations and giving them new titles and goals.
For example
A Romance sim with a secondary family aspiration is a Soulmate Sim. These sims enjoy seeking out the one perfect match for them. Someone who will match them in terms of love and lust. These sims love one partner, and though their eyes wander, they love being with their soulmate and expanding their families. And they’ll take every opportunity to woohoo with them, wherever they want.
A Romance/Knowledge sim is a Creative Sim. These sims are usually artists, musicians and intellectuals who crave a deeper understanding of everything, and that includes various partners. They seek to learn everything about whoever they want to be with.
Romance/Popularity is an Influencer Sim. These sims love people, they love parties and they will make sure they have plenty of both. They are constantly in drama because they grow so close to everyone they meet, friends or otherwise. But they’re a loving sim with plenty to give. Just keep an eye on them at a shindig.
Romance/Fortune sims are Soap Opera Sims. These sims love being as dramatic as possible. They make plenty of money, or marry rich sims, but are often unfaithful to keep things spicy in their lives… before they ultimately work their way back into their partner’s life. What’s sugar without a little spice? What’s clean without a little mess?
Romance/Pleasure Sims are Materialist sims. They don’t care about work or money… they live on baser instincts. Sometimes a shag and a meal in your PJs is enough for them. These sims will often not be wealthy but that is totally fine with them.
Romance/Grilled Cheese Sims have one love: Grilled Cheese. Their love goes beyond what is normal. They likely need therapy.
Knowledge/Fortune Sims are Savant Sims. These sims are driven by success both fiscally and financially. They strive to be the very best like no one ever was. They will pursue their interests with peerless ambition, and will often find success in all their endeavors.
Knowledge/Family Sims are Educational Sims. These sims don’t just want a family. They want a family of sims to grow and be as successful as possible. They see it as their duty to ensure their children’s success.
Knowledge/Popularity Sims are Experimental Sims. These Sims Value friendship, but they also value collecting data on them. They often use Influence points to try and see what various reactions they can induce among their friends… and may also try to experiment on them (Looking at you, Beakers.)
Knowledge/Pleasure Sims are Efficiency Sims. Their whole goal is to not be the very best- but to streamline their life as much as possible. They will try and earn a living, but it’s all to buy things that make their lives easier.
Knowledge/Grilled Cheese Sims seek to make the perfect grilled cheese. They spend hours perfecting their cooking skill so they can make the perfect sandwich and they need therapy.
Fortune/Family sims are called Affluent Sims. These sims seek to provide the best possible life for their families. The best schools, the best care and everything else… though they often neglect the emotional aspect.
Fortune/Popularity sims are called Elitist Sims. They want friends, but really they want to show off. They dress up, have fancy homes and cars and they want other sims to recognize it. They’re also always giving their friends gifts.
Fortune/Pleasure are called Privileged Sims. They want the easy money and don’t want to work hard for it. They’re willing to deceive or weasel their way into someone’s life just so they can have it easy.
Fortune/Grilled Cheese are sick and twisted and need therapy.
Popularity/Pleasure sims are the Socialite Sims. They love few things more than a good time and a good party. They think every celebration needs to raise the roof, and that any achievement is worth having one. They have little care or responsibility for anything else, but it also takes very little to make them happy.
Pleasure/Grilled Cheese is the Anti-Christ. May God have mercy on us all.
(I really don’t like Grilled Cheese Aspiration.)