Situation, action, outcome regarding my personal style
Looking for some second opinions on this situation-action-outcome spread. The query was "how can I be more satisfied with my style?". By "style" I was referencing my personal style—how I express myself to the world through clothing, body modifications, gender, etc.
To me, this spread is disappointingly straightforward. The World tells me I'm in a position to draw more integration into my life (e.g. making my inward and outward expression align) and realize my desires, but the action required to do so is unadvisable. The VII of swords tells me that this pursuit would lead me to ignore other responsibilities in my life and become misaligned with my values, because there is shame associated with matters of one's physical appearance (especially when considering gender). The last card—The Devil—tells me that ultimately, this is a desire that will only consume me. It will lead me further away from my higher self and the divine. The context card at the bottom of the deck was The Empress, whose relevance I understand through her association with sensual pleasures and potential material reward, but I'm not sure if there's anything more I can say about her.
I'm looking for second opinions because I'm wondering if I'm reading this too vulgarly. Also, the spread seems to invalidate my desires to change my appearance altogether, which doesn't fit in with my usual encounters with this deck, which have mostly felt compassionate.
For more context, I have been dissatisfied with my personal expression for a few years because I've been financially unstable and not in a position to prioritize buying things or services that would change my appearance. I'm currently still not really in a position to do so, but my dissatisfaction with my appearance has festered into an un-ignorable shadow over all my social interactions and my self regard. The reason I'm dissatisfied is because I no longer feel like my appearance aligns with how I feel internally, in terms of my age, gender, and overall personality.