I just got followed home….
CONTEXT: Im m16 and I just came back from the gym (3 minute walk). Its 11:54 am and when I was going about 1 hour ago I saw this same car too. Then I finished my leg day and I started walking home and I saw the car again. This time it was following me and even thoguh the whole street was empty of cars he would move only when I moved. As I got closer to my home I got suspicious and I looked at the car and he rolled the window down slowsly while mantaining eye contact with me…. I thought of entering another apartment thats not mine but I got scared and just went to mine asap. As soon as I got in the car sped away……. It was a 40-50 ish bald man on a jeep wrangler or some jeep 4x4.. idk what to do now. Ima go take a walk in a couple of hours again and if I see it again im telling someone .