All of you flag-toting "patriots" are phonies.

Went out on republic day. Almost everyone flying the tricolor. Refused to buy a small flag from some hawker at a traffic signal and was given dirty looks. Yet I saw so many:

  • running red lights (including a city bus)
  • not driving in their lanes.
  • driving on the wrong side.
  • not indicating turns.
  • no helmets.
  • driving with rear view mirrors closed.
  • opening their car doors to spit at traffic signals.
  • no hsrp/no number plate
  • caste names displayed proudly on rear windshield (illegal, fyi)
  • traffic police that either isn't there or doesn't care.

F*ck all of you. I abide by the law even when there are no cops around and pay more tax than the CTC of many. I may not have a tricolor but I'm more patriotic than you'll ever be, although my patriotism is truly being tested. I'm ashamed to belong to the same country as you people.

End rant.