Don’t know what to do
So picture it, Tuesday morning, you wake up and get that urge to pee so badly and you feel like you’re peeing glass and you see blood. Yeah, that was me. So I go to urgent care, I told them I’ve had 4 UTIs in the past year. She said she’ll send me antibiotics and recommended I go to a urologist.
I start taking the antibiotics Tuesday night and the urge to pee goes away the next morning. Still some blood and slight pain when peeing.
Wednesday morning, I get a call saying that the UTI test and culture came back negative and to stop taking the antibiotics. Follow up with a PCP if symptoms continue. I decided to keep taking the antibiotics anyways.
This morning, the pain is gone, but the blood is increased more than Tuesday. I’m also getting some dizzy / lethargic spells. I am not covered by insurance for the ER, and would prefer to not go. If I keep taking the antibiotics the full five days, will the blood stop? I really don’t know what to do. I can’t go back to urgent care cause they’ll tell me to see PCP or ER. I am going to call a urologist on my lunch break, but it could be 3 weeks out, just wanna make sure I can last til then. Sorry, desperate, typing fast cause I’m currently at work.