Make that post a CSS treasure island (please)
Full stack dev here, meaning I'm fine with React for front dev and whatever (not really but not relevant here) other language for back dev...
But CSS...
Oh God, CSS...
Brothers and sisters, I know I ain't the only one cursing that brainf**k of a language, naively thinking that I finally tamed the beast after solving a component-styling problem before witnessing the wasteland I made of the rest of my site...
That time is over.
I hereby summon the css wizards and antic masters hiding on reddit, so they share their wisdom with us, simple mortals.
Long story short : let's fill that comment section with the best general advice you could give to idiots like me, who can use css but are often defeated by non-intuitive specificities of the language.
(or share the resources that helped you the most, please :D )