Rhe manhwa or webtoon format problem.

So to address this before i watch some youtube video about manhwa or rather webtoon scrolling format problem. They talk about how it was limiting and maybe too limiting to make a comic and comparing t to the manga counterpart and how the panelling can make it feels dynamic and have large image unlike webtoon scrolling format.

And i do realize webtoon format has its cons but i think that this comparison is stupid right? Comparing webtoon to book format? I mean the purpose of a webtoon format is to make reading digital comic easier and sure it does have it's cons and limiting but as a person with agstimatism the webtoon format is great cause it allow me to read the words without smal words cramping up.

The webtoon format also have it's pros right like making the artist can lead the reader because literally they can only scroll down and even then the video only mention the manhwa type of scrolling down there also traditional panelling comic that uses webton scrolling format. So wha do you guys think? Is he webtoon format is trash or too limiting? And what format you prefer to read?