idk what to think
Give me your top 3 metal songs
she's not like other girls she listens to... nargaroth 😈😈😈😈
Name a band that you don’t like but totally understand their significance and that your opinion doesn’t matter in this case.
Who is it?
Best Bathory album?
What's an anime opinion that will end up like this:
What is your most hated type of anime arc?
whatever keeps the fandom alive ig
What is the best cryptopsy album?
Metal or not?
Best sub genre of death metal
Want kids but won’t have them
What favorite character has you like this?
Y'all China has a new virus😭🙏
If you had to improve slipknot in one way, how would you do it and why?
Say hi to greg
Wtf I told my mom I'm not feeling good and she says
First pair of Converse—how do I keep them this clean?!
Narcissists ruin lives
What do my top 30 artists say about me?
What do you guys think of my music taste??
is ur reddit personality different from ur irl personality