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Kcal ir kitų maistinių verčių sekimo appsas
40 metų darbo rinkai per senas?
Anyone taking Qlaira? What's your experience?
Give it a better name😃
I am on holiday in Lithuania (Kaunas) but don't really speak Lithuanian, are there shops with self service tills so I don't have to ask the staff to speak English?
Kiek kainuoja akiniai?
Is it worth keeping XXS and XXL pokemons?
How was everyone’s community day? ✨💯
Gaming to Learn Lithuanian
Does anybody know what this is?
new pokedex is fireee
Should I invest in dynamax Pokemon? Is it worth it? Becoz Its impossible for me to do Gigantamax raids.
Ramus vakaras troleibuse
I've been struggling to get a whismur for a Thousand-Year Slumber research but now they are spawning non stop
Finally free of this party play research nonsense
I’m never seeing that muk again, am I…
Can someone trade with me pls?
Steps sync between Mi Fitness and google fit?
How many shinies did y'all get for lunar new year?
Transfer or not?
I hate green colour but shinny green Marill kinda looks good 💚
I can’t log into tiktok with Twitter (X) anymore
Laisvalaikis/hobby, kai tau 40