So over medicated
What are Firecracker's powers really?
When your dream becomes a reality
When the sunbeam is more important than taking cover
Milo found the perfect balance between "sunbeam" and "hiding"
Luckyest summon ever
Mac finally pays Cricket for his services
Dragon ball z is better
Orange Tuxedo? That's his Tinder photo!
Friend gave me this account
Any good?
What do we have to do to make this a reality
Absolutely disgusting loaf 0/10
Was Hughie on Temp -V stronger than Starlight?
What should I make with this?
I have never once fed this man before his dinner time. Yet he must beg. Every time.
Does my cat count as a cow cat
If the group made a list of who their closest friends were in order, what would the orders be?
If Homelander had been found guilty would he actually have gone to prison?
The waitresses name is Nikki Potnick!
The Charlie System
He Thundergunned the shit out of that cancer!
Could someone with photoshop skills please put Franks head on Richter 😂
Larry Takashi AKA Rutherford B. Crazy's obituary