Posters of minority scientists have been taken down
I caused the plane to make an emergency landing because i didn't know i was allergic to quinoa
One sentence made me quit a 10 year long career
nokia 2780 voicemail notification
Backdating a contract?
US judge strikes down Biden administration ban on worker 'noncompete' agreements
Get a $150k Job From Daddy Instead of Flipping Burgers
Urgent help please
Received summons while away on vacation
I work in testing, I was "commanded" to write a report with false data, I removed editing rights from anybody and wrote how the data is false and that the result is FAIL. Now I'm scared.
I have to be at work for 8 hours, only have like 4 hours of actual work to do and am not allowed to use my phone.
AITAH for disowning my adoptive son since he chose "his people" over us?
Update: Council led troop… neglected?
Disabled family members exemption from jury duty rejected what do I do now?
Anyone got some GOOD long car ride tips for Girl Scout road trips?
I wrote a very terse cover letter and now I have an interview
Just learned my position is posted on LinkedIn for $10k more than I make.
My boss is upset that I pointed out that we've been using leaded solder
I want to quit, need encouragement
My job is making us train an AI for them for free
Need excuse for leaving specific job, interview scheduled
tops are on!
Is my job as bad as it seems?
Afraid that people know my age