People with (very) high myopia how do you correct your vision?
White is the storyy! Last day 🖤 Which Conan song is Black?
Teal is the king!! Day 14🤍 Which Conan song is white?
Fake is fuchsia!! Day 🐬 Which Conan song is teal?
Royal blue is for holidayss!! Day 11💖 Which song is fuschia ?
Jigsaw jigsaw jigsaw jigsaw!! Day 11 💙 Which song is royal blue?
Silver is for affluenza!! Day 10♥️ Which song is burgundy?
Take a bow ‘cause you’re the winneeer! Day 9🪙 Which Conan song is silver?
Pink is Crush culture!! Day 8: Which Conan song is gold⭐️
Astronomy winsss! Day 7🎀 Which song is pink?
Blue is for heatherr! Day 6💜 Which song is purple ?
The other side takes overrr! Day 5 : Which Conan song is blue 🦋
Yellow song is Found Heaven !!! Day 4: which Conan song is green💚
Orange is overdriveee! Day 3💛 which song is yellow?
Red is for Memoriess!! Day 2 🧡 which song is orange
Day 1❤️ vote which conan song is red