Zoh Shia image leaked by a spanish review article
Time to move on
This sub these past few days
Xu Wu and some dumbasses
Guys I thought this was a leak sub
Summary of Zoh Shia and Xu Wu from 4chan/discord
New gypceros tail attack be like
Updated English voices for 5.2
Recent leaks are fake. Don't trust unsourced content people post please.
An example of how easy it is for misinformation to spread
I have a feeling Scarlet and Violet will become the new X and Y
Paldea Region Map Overlayed On Map Of the Iberian Peninsula
what are you guy's thoughts on paid layered weapons?
Found this on the wiki
The logical next step to paid layered armor, i hate microtransaction culture.
Really feels like it huh?
what Pokémon will definitely be on ur team so far?
if I'm being honest scarlet is going to be in more bulk cause everyone else wants violet.
Monster count chatter, pls be civil
After looking at the leaks, here’s some thoughts:
well there goes that
Full monster list leaked
well seems that anything that comes up after asterisks post is fake
Asterisk just dumped all the real leaks again
Sacred Sheath for Longsword in Sunbreak is a joke.