The grind never stops 🙂↔️
BDSP and SV trade help
Shiny PLA Bronzong Giveaway! (Details in Description)
Looking to give away a ton of Go caught darkrais
Giveaway 3ds deoxy's was
FT: Any of these shinies LF: check description
Why does Home say I have pokemon deposited in the mobile version but they’re not actually there in the console version?
giving away pogo stamped legends and mythicals (legends will be done via gts and mythicals via friend trade)
FT Pics LF offers
January Giveaway: Part 3
Shiny PLA Luxio Giveaway!
Shiny PLA Skorupi giveaway! (Details in desc)
Hey Everyone ! Looking for trade and offers !
FT: pics LF: offers, matching ball shinies, shiny legends, whatever!
BDSP Touch Trade?