GIVEAWAY: ✨ Necrozma, UNREGISTERED only (30 days trade possible). ENDS 26/12 12pm CET. Just share your favourite FOOD in the comments. Winner will be chosen randomly. Looking for nothing, offering below. CAN FLY.
Holiday Giveaway Part 1 - Armoured Mewtwo [Giveaway No: 13]
Looking for Sun / Ocean / Sandstorm / Ice Snow only
LF 1st page, Can offer 2&3
First pic is what I want, second pic is what I can offer
Mostly need Ice Snow, Meadow, Sandstorm, Sun and Ocean, welcome others too (I got Garden)
Lf first picture and can offer second picture
Dynamax Drilbur & Excadrill will be in Power Spots during the Fukuoka & Global Wild Area Events
Which should I invest in?
Dynamax preparation for Wild Area?
Which gigantamax pokemon is best for each type?
Looking for the ones on first page, able to offer duplicates on second page
Regionals / legendaries wanted on first page, able to offer duplicates on second page
Improve my swim
New to the game, Team Building suggestions?