What's with the inconsistency in view counts and traffic for videos?
how do i get a girlfriend
I Got Accepted To YPP!
Bu sharmandalik (thanks Google translate)
18f got into my dream college, do your worst fam
44 m hippy organic farmer, former usmc, cat lover, addicted to reddit. phish phan I think y’all got something to work with
Balding, can't grow a beard, no chin. Destroy my already low self-esteem.
Just passed my Real Estate Exam 3rd Try!! Here to celebrate ;)
Turkish poems about beauty
Me in 1 week
What do you look for in someone which you just want to connect with and perhaps be romantic with but NOT for sex? Q4F
Long or short hair?
For this edition of Hooded-Eyed Queens we have the GOAT herself
Oil and sweat making eyelids uneven, good wipes?
What to do with these eyes?
At what point did you notice your channel gaining serious steam?
Turkish Pronunciation Guide!
hayal kurmak vs hayal etmek
Do all original Turkic words have complete vowel harmony in the word?
What country is this? (Wrong answers only)
Wheat is this planet
What do you call this planet? Wrong Answers Only!
What body of water is this?
map in my school
What country is this?? (Answers only)