What's your favorite 3D style? I'll go first (adding an M61 Vulcan to the commander's seat is totally badass)
Special Bond Offers In The In Game Store (Bond Turbo for 10k Bonds)
Make another frontline version purely for tech tree tanks
Field Mods linked to Equipment choice in pre-battle countdown - New feature request
New Tanks added to tanks.gg (1.28 Public test) Two unannounced for superset
Compensation for Up Tiering Premium Tanks
Solution to drowning
Pz. B2 - No longer +0 MM?
Adressing Chems's premium tank solution video, what did you think about it? (Yapping session below)
Frontline tanks
Found my new tank for damage blocked missions
CZ lights in frontline
So the DVB-152…
Frontline Idea
Why do I have so much ep on my MS-1?
Best Bond tank tier 8 only
„DaMaGe 7 VeHiClEs In OnE bAtTlE“
I got an arty player banned for over a month!
It's 2025, which existing premium tanks have become obsolete?
Reward vs Premium
225 boxes to get all my missing tanks
Railway- "Breitspurbahn" refference?
Update 1.28 CT & Update (MEGATHREAD)
Supertest: Sentinelle
Refering friends with codes