Anybody remember the newspaper/magazine about Kent county arrests with pictures?
What is something that has slowly disappeared from society over the past 20 years, without most people realizing?
To the ones who leave piles of pennies at Sandy's feet...
Husband [27M] needs specific kind of sex or he’s leaving
Any local farms or butchers that would be willing to sell me a whole cow?
Lame sex
What is the most visually stunning film of all time?
Retiring - What is A Good Transition Period With Replacement
Just quit while on an overseas business trip - what a mess!
I Just Got Fired Over a Fing Time Stamp.
I’ve never paid city taxes??
Non-negotiable when shopping at Trader Joe’s?
Travel back in time to see ONE concert...
What existed in 1994 but not in 2025?
What’s been your best purchase for $10 or less?
Thoughts on all these “themes”? Fun or just annoying and burdensome for guests?
My smart watch may have saved my life . . .
Older ways of life - seeking ideas/what am I missing
What's a phrase that changed your life
Bra help
AIO for wanting to leave my boyfriend after finding out from his ex that he was abusive towards her during college
Being pushed into retirement and the emotional toll
I need a new washing machine. I've looked at reviews. And, looked and looked....
Feeling a bit gaslit…
How do people stay at the same job for YEARSSS?