Wife cheated while we were engaged
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32F 40M he’s the best person in my life but he doesn’t want to give me a chance to repair us, how do I fight for this relationship cause he blocked me now?
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Afraid of ending up homeless without a high school diploma abroad.
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The energy of 69-year-old Angus Young from AC/DC
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Dua for Hamza please. He is not doing well, had a polyp removed and now might be having vestibular disease. We are hoping it’s not a tumor. Hoping someone’s prayers are answered. He is 2.5yo.
AITA for breaking up with my girlfriend after her assault?
Ada gunung meletus. Orang bule: runs like hell to safety. Warga 62: ambil pideo selpi.
Man in Indonesia captured exact moment a volcano erupted within its caldera
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