Why is hippopotamus called "river horse" while it's obviously not a horse at all?
Number zero in several languages OC
Porcupine in European languages
Does Hungarian word for lion (oroszlán) have something to do with Russia (Oroszország)?
Why are oil and butter called the same in Russian?
What's the difference between "escuela" and "colegio"?
Why is Danish Grading System so weird?
Swapped Hungarian pronunciation rules?
(FIXED) Piano in European Languages
The word for bear in various European languages [800 × 658]
Why do some country names in Hungarian have the word “ország” at the end (including Hungary itself) and some don’t?
What his name? (Wrong answers only)
My name is...
Piano in European Languages
Why cannibal in Turkish is "yamyam"? Does it have onomatopoeic origins
Why were hedgehogs even called hogs while they're obviously not hogs?
Does piñata have something to do with pineapple? Well, pineapple means "piña" in Spanish.
freaky ahh family guy ad
Does the Italian word for football (“calcio”) have anything to do with calcium? I mean, it would kinda make sense, since it builds bones and keeps them strong, which is very important, especially in sports like this. If not, what is its etymology?
So helium in Russian is "гелий". Why isn't it spelt with letter "х" instead of letter "г"? I mean, letter "х" is more familiar to letter "h", right?
Is 'nghiêng' really the only native Vietnamese word with seven letters?
Why is jellyfish called "manet" in Norway? What's the etymology of it?
guys, is this real?
Kolegowie, zobaczyłem taki plakat w sklepie i mnie nathnoł do dramatu w 3 aktach (i już wiem czemu tej biedronce tak zawsze wesoło)