Any tips on how to get good velocity field behaviour / particles flowing over an animated object?
Working with changing / animated velocity fields - particles and VDB potential flow?
Carve multiple Curves - 1 Start Point to All End Points
How to best remesh a deforming animated FBX for simulation?
How to project curves onto complex geometry?
How to use curves to drive a morph and / or growth effect?
Short VDB Animation i recently finished
Do I need new trucks to fit these wheels onto my skates? Axel appears too short 😭
Vellum inflation Karma render
How to re-inflate complex object?
Help with selecting points with falloff / excluding points from a ray (description in comments)
What are you, broke people like me, getting for your fellas this Christmas?
How to do a growth sim along these curves? (Description in comments)
How go extract curves from animated geometry?
Trail SOP glitch - why is it creating points that don't exist before the "real" ones?
Can someone explain to me how the trail and add node set to add by id attribute create particle trails from popsims?
Hi, I'm trying to give thickness to some curves I created (I used trail connected to some points I scattered on an animated mixamo model) using the sweep geometry node, but the model looks like this. What can be the problem?
Problems with audio analysis at a live performance
Clothes swaps or local sale venues?
What's happened to Aspalls ?
Blending FBX character animations with different number of channels?
How to get a number from a channel?? (alpha channel of a CHOPtoTOP)
Getting and using .bchan files from Houdini in TouchDesigner
How to export CHOP channels as .bchan?