Ice Castle in Alpha 1.1.2_01
Not that much Days
DOGE for Dummies.
How to change skin in original in Any Alpha Versions.
The world generation of Infdev versions is BEAUTIFUL...
Combining the alpha and modern bricks textures goes hard! 🧱
When on a computer, do you use browser or app discord more often?
I don’t think there’s a PS120 out yet. (u/theSPYDERDUDE)
Would you say you are left or right leaning politically?
A few Indev texture packs I've made: Winter, Spring, Autumn and Beta
“28 is not a month”😬😬😬
And 5,040 is not a day.
Normal Alpha Screenshot :100:
Alpha 1.2.6 server or Beta 1.7.3 server
What makes you instantly respect someone more?
What’s something completely normal that makes you feel like a total psychopath?
Would you sentence people you don’t like to be stuck on the ISS forever ?
MUTATE THIS BEAN DAY 87,178,291,200 Most upvoted comment mutates this bean!
MUTATE THIS BEAN DAY 14! Most upvoted comment mutates this bean!
What's a cartoon that you would binge everyday as a kid?
The truth
Seemingly Max Fosh went 16! mph on a scooter when trying to give Jeff Bezos a speeding ticket... Is this even physically possible?
It's the speed that all the trains need to travel to catch up with the delays.
If one of the following were your number one fruit, which one would it be?
Do you like cherries?