So anyway, I says to Mabel, I says…
What is your favorite song or background track?
Which One of the Movies Were Your Favorite?
What was this scene bro 🙏😭
I may or may not have tried crack, last night. I don’t think I did. But if I did, I liked it.
Sigh, I’ve been giving these out for 647 years
$20? Aww I wanted a peanut!
Which One of These Futurama Gadets Would You Want?
Well, I need a window seat because this flower is wiltin’
Most unexpected guest voice
How I be feeling right now
What’s everyone’s Holy Grail piece to your collection? I wish this show was old school so Cels and Storyboards were available
Why did Jake do that?
Kinda look like prismo too
My turkey looks like Alan
What was the saddest death in adventure time
You ever get the feeling you're only going with girls cause you're s'posed ta?
What is your saddest Adventure Time moment and why?
I drew that samurai jack meme
“I Like This New Generation of Music” acrylic on canvas on wood
Gedo Statue 15x19 Sharpie and Micron on paper
Why is this character 10 dollars?
Just like daddy puts in his drink every morning, then he gets mad
Yeah, we’re with the pet hospital down the street, I understand you have a dying animal on the premises
Dr Zaius Dr Zaius, Dr Zaius Dr Zaius, Dr Zaius Dr Zaius, oooohhhhhh, Dr Zaius