I could have the difficulty set to the lowest possible and I’m still going to get anxiety when it’s time for the Rat King.
realistically what will happen if im caught with an unauthorised second job in the Army
ACFT alt event rant
Best crew now for D4 overall?
Residence courses?
No more DLC? Thoughts?
Army HRC administrative error has retroactively discredited 3 years of my service.
Anyone else unable to open the game?
Favorite place to sing loud?
Where would you drop your one F-Bomb into the original trilogy?
Undergrad was miserable. Have been working for a year and thinking of going to grad school.
What's the strongest award you got that was still down graded?
Promoting without weapons qual
Taking ACFT/APFT hungover?
How do you kill stalkers!?
AITAH for humbling my colleague that her age is irrelevant compared to our other colleague’s beautiful wife?
My unit is having me do a ACFT during my paternity Leave
AITA for yelling at a guy for making fun of my "short shorts?"
What happens if you fail a class in grad school? Like F
What is Sauron Holding in his Left Hand?
AITA for not allowing my teenage son to have a smartphone?
Sooo… how many patriot express flights use Boeing planes?
Spotted in Tokyo
HOW to beat the rat king without k*lling yourself out of anger and frustration
Pogiest MOS?