What if the Holy Roman Empire survived, was huge, and also had an Electoral College?
A Slightly Different Dual-Monarchy Austria-Hungary Flag
Altian Relative Starmap
A Relief Map of The Island of Senuwyn, Showing Cities and Particular Landmarks.
The Blood Ravens have come for your homebrew and headcanons.
A Map of the World in 2020 of an alternate history timeline based around the country of Senuwyn on an enlarged Azores Plateau.
Here is a bunch of charts and lore I have put together for the Sila Sector, a homebrew setting that I’ve been working on and refining for a while which I thought to share.
The Maximum Pressure Alert creates a thoroughly unenjoyable experience.
Suggestion post on how to revamp the Oshur middle island bases and lattice to improve gameplay experience.
Player-facing Roadmap for 2022
Some suggestions and considerations to improve game flow and QoL. Warning: Word Wall.