Thank you guys
Stand still. Please.
Playing as Medic is a bit of a chore
Just another day at 2fort
thirdperson 2 on console
Scout stuck in intel room
I think I have overplayed Medic
never did no harm
Of course, I knew that no one likes the medic mains... but so much...
In your opinion what weapon in TF2 embodies the phrase "we like to do a little trolling"
Don't laugh at Medic
The moderators here are terrible.
Banana Soldier steals Banana from F2P Heavy
SKILLcutter is the best weapon in game
medic enters the matrix
I tried Quick-Fix
Screw that Heavy in particular
How do you get the shields?
Bullying sentry just because
Be careful when you call for Medic
Did Scout deserve that?
Scout stared too much
Whats that one player you keep seeing in your matches (attachment unrelated)
Why my character move like that in TF2 demo replay