30 Arab cock that wants to rape and breed feminine boys
Paid $180 for this perfect half moon adansonii. Still in shock.
30 Arab bear for cute twinks
Can a white guy make it as a model in India?
26 have a big thing for white guys! Twinks and femboys especially! Indian here! Love burying my nose in thier pretty pink butts! Kik bumsniffr
What season currently airing are you enjoying most?
Has anyone notice a rise in anti college talk?
Why do we have Caucasian models selling us our stuff in India?
Rmit is fucking shit
What's do u feel was the worst thing that ever happened to you, but in reality was the best ?
What’s the first video game you ever played ?
What is a sound that people should know means immediate danger?
What causes way more deaths than people are aware of?
I’m an American who’s always been fascinated by Australia’s unique plants and animals. I’m curious: what are your favorite/least favorite Australian animals?
Dorit’s Latest Post
What are the prettiest names you ever heard ?
Lisa Barlow’s offensive comments on her son going to Colombia for his mission….
Do you know anyone unvaccinated that has caught CoVid? The only people that I know that caught CoVid are vaccinated!!!
Are people here anti all vaccines or just the covid one?
Anyone know why my variegated monstera is putting out such a chunky new leaf?
Are unvaccinated people smarter?
Casual sex after a breakup? My (25F) Ex(33M) dumped me 3 weeks ago, been 10 days since I last spoke to him.
Sleeves for my grapes. I feel like an idiot.
What's the worst response to "You're under arrest"?
Giant monstera in my local coffee shop 🥰