2025-2026 Housing Megathread
Why Aren't Treasure Fleets Spawning? I thought that it was a continent issue but Samudra is on a "treasure fleet" continent and none are being created. If you need any more information let me know.
I'm fond of them
It's Not Rocket Science... Yet?
Content Roadmap for 2025!
*Roguelike meta-progression* in Civ 7. The absolute madmen.
Saladin Name Bug
Possible Email Scam?
I cannot stop being RU screwed
You whislist for scenarios in Civ 7.
What will happen with city names when you change civs between ages?
(Civ 6) Best World Wonder for a Diplomacy Victory?
City State Progression
TSL Viability?
Good for Grad School?
$110K USC (Thematic Option) vs. $30K Rutgers HC
Shoutout to all my state school homies
Caesar won’t show up
Help me decide between 3 very different schools
Belvedere Castle, NYC
I feel like I unfairly won my first deity game
BU count your days
I got these essays and still haven’t finished the CSS profile for these schools 😭
This process is worse than I thought