Behold! Peak nightmare damage!
What is THE WORST shadow ability in the game?
Which “Jamcity apex” creature has the best design?? Ima go first:
Which faction has the largest amount of bad sets
Balance update // Patch Notes -
Widow is still traumatised by Shadow lol
What if there was a new faction in shadow fight 3
Widow tried so hard for shadow form.
Caution!!!!!! June spam alert!!!!
Octopus of the Dammned
Divided by faction , United by Guardian Dragon
Who is the leader of the faction "Herald"
Is Jamcity Crazy..?!?
Old Atrocimoloch
SF4 Character's Voice tier list
When will shadow from shadow fight 2 be added
Chinese New Year Shadow Fight 3 Teaser Info Revealed!
Reworking the most messed up character (June).
The Hypocrisy is real.
Have to give them credit.
Monolomoth redesign
If they hate Shadow Energy then why they use it?
Most Overused and Underused Heroes?
Dear whales,
So Demon of love is finally coming