Oldest metro systems
Football clubs with the most national league titles. Titles of former states are not included.
Countries with the highest number of billionaires in 2024
Metro system in East Asia
Red and yellow (+gold) on flags
Metro systems of South America
Venezuela's vast oil wealth stands in stark contrast to its economic reality.
Imagine if two flags had a child!
All metro systems in Europe, including parts of North Africa and West Asia
Green, red & yellow flags around the world. Africa dominates the color scheme.
Greatest electoral victories since the 20th century. Donald Trump won nearly 51% of the vote in the last election.
The most and least similar countries in the world
National tourism brands of South America
National tourism organizations in European countries
💚❤️🤍 Green, Red & White - one of the most common tricolor flag combinations
🇪🇺 European Union companies by total earnings.
Sun on country flags
🍎 Apple is the largest company in the world by market capitalization
Europe will host its 33rd edition with the choice of the French Alps for the 2030 Winter Olympic Games.